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Photographies rescentes de Hajja Amina Adil
Décès de Hajjah Amina Adil
Les enseignants de Imam Souyouti


Nafisa at-Tahira, Rare Lady Saint of the
   Sagesses & Connaissance
La Station du Prophete (s) dans la Présence Divine
La Station du Prophete (s) dans la Présence Divine
Sh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 21 janvier 2007
Quand le mensonge est appelé vérité
Quand le mensonge est appelé vérité , Tel est l'ordre des choses qui prévaut à notre époque ; chaque valeur morale se retrouve bouleversée de telle manière que les gens ne sont plus capables de distinguer le Bien du Mal
Sh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 08 janvier 2007
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:: Trickster wife and hot soup ::

Nasreddin Hodja's wife wanted to play a trick on her husband. So when he came home one night tired and hungry, she put a bowl of scalding hot soup on the table. But forgetting the soup was hot, she swallowed a spoonful of it; immediately tears rolled from her eyes. Seeing his wife crying without any reason, Hodja asked,
- What came over you?
Hodja's wife, drying the tears with her husband, answered,
- I remembered my poor mother. She was so fond of this soup. It was she who taught me how to make it.
Hodja knew his mother-in-law and had much respect forher. So he didn't say anything, took a spoonful of the soup and swallowed it. Of course, his eyes also filled with tears.
- What's wrong with you? his wife asked. Why are you also crying?
- I am crying said Hodja, because it is you who should have died instead of your unfortunate mother.
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
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Toute chose devrait etre un Mawlid en l'honneur du Prophète
Shamsouddin Habib Allah
Cheikh Mouhammad az-Zahid
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Sharing the baklava (Baklava is a dessert, a sweet pastry which tastes very nice with pistachio nuts.)
Sharing the baklava (A learned foreign scientist came to Aksehir and said he wanted to challenge the wits of the most knowledgeable person in the city. )
Nasreddin Hodja :: 02 mars 2002
Allah is now as He ever was
Allah's Descent
The Great Ash`ari Scholars (5)
Uncreatedness of the Divine Speech - the Glorious Quran
The Ash`aris: The Jahmiyya
The Ash`aris: Early Heresies - An Introduction
The Ash`aris: The Jabriyya and Murji'a
The Ash`aris: The Qadariyya and Mu`tazila
The Ash`aris: The Hashwiyya and Mujassima
The Ash`aris: Imam al-Ash`ari
The First Generation of al-Ash`ari's Students and Companions
The Ash`aris: Hadiths in praise of Ash`aris
The Ash`aris: The Jabriyya and Murji'a
The Ash`aris: The Ash`ari School
Hâdir wa Nâzir - Omnipresence of the Prophet (s)
Status of Arabs
Hâdir wa Nâzir - Omniprésence du Prophète (s)







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