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   Programmation réguliere du Centre Soufi

Bienvenue au centre soufi Joignez-vous à nous tous les jeudis et samedis soirs pour assister à la cérémonie du Dhikr (rappel de Dieu), à la célébration spirituelle de la méditation, aux chants, au sama (danse des derviches tourneurs), à la hadrah (le dhikr de la présence) et à la récitation de poésie religieuse, Dalail Khairat. Le dhikr est précédé de la sohba, le partage d'enseignements soufis traditionnels. La cérémonie commence à 20h00, suivie d'un souper et de raffraîchissements.

  Samedi 19h30
          :: Enseignements et méditation Soufi

  Jeudi 20h00
          :: Enseignements et méditation Soufi

  Vendredi 13h15
          :: Prière de Joumma (Sermont et prière)

  Vendredi 20h30
          :: Récitation de dalal Khairat (Recueil de poésie en Arabe)


Venez, venez, où que vous soyez Vagabond, adorateur, amoureux du voyage, Venez. Notre aventure n'est pas une caravane de désespoir. Même si vous avez rompu vos voeux mille fois, venez. Venez une nouvelle fois” :: RUMI

::  Centre Soufi  ::

Version Imprimable

   Citations  et anecdotes
:: The criticism of men ::

Hodja and his son went on a journey once. Hodja preferred that his son ride the donkey and that he himself go on foot. On the way they met some people who said:

-Look at that healthy young boy! That is today's youth for you. They have no respect for elders. He rides on the donkey and makes his poor father walk!

When they had passed by these people the boy felt very ashamed and insisted that he walk and his father ride the donkey. So Hodja mounted the donkey and the boy walked at his side. A little later they met some other people who said:

-Well, look at that! That poor little boy has to walk while his father rides the donkey.

After they had passed by these people, Hodja told his son:

-The best thing to do is for both of us to walk. Then no one can complain.

So they continued on their journey, both of them walking. A little ways down the road they met some others who said:

-Just take a look at those fools. Both of them are walking under this hot sun and neither of them are riding the donkey!

Hodja turned to his son and said:

-That just goes to show how hard it is to escape the opinions of men.
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
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138 Av Fairmount Ouest Montreal - Canada - Tel.: (514) 270-9437