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   La Chaine d'Or des Cheikhs Naqshbandi
Les appelations et noms de l''ordre naqshbandi

  1. Le Prophète Mouhammad ibn Abd Allah,
  2. Abou Bakr as-Siddiq,
  3. Salman al-Farsi,
  4. Qassim ibn Mouhammad ibn Abou Bakr
  5. Jafar as-Sadiq,
  6. Tayfour Abou Yazid al-Bistami,
  7. Aboul Hassan Ali al-Kharqani,
  8. Abou Ali al-Farmadi
  9. Abou Yaqoub Youssouf al-Hamadani,
  10. Aboul Abbas, al-Khidr,
  11. Abdoul Khaliq al-Ghoujdawani,
  12. Arif ar-Riwakri,
  13. Khwaja Mahmoud al-Anjir al-Faghnawi,
  14. Ali ar-Ramitani,
  15. Mouhammad Baba as-Samassi,
  16. as-Sayyid Amir Koulal,
  17. Mouhammad Baha'ouddin Shah Naqshband,
  18. Ala'ouddin al-Boukhari al-cAttar,
  19. Ya'Qoub al-Charkhi,
  20. Oubeydoullah al-Ahrar,
  21. Mouhammad az-Zahid,
  22. Darwish Mouhammad,
  23. Mouhammad Khwaja al-Amkanaki,
  24. Mouhammad al-Baqi bi-l-Lah,
  25. Ahmad al-Farouqi as-Sirhindi
  26. Mouhammad al-Massoum,
  27. Mouhammad Sayfouddin al-Farouqi al-Moujaddidi
  28. as-Sayyid Nour Mouhammad al-Badawani,
  29. Shamsouddin Habib Allah,
  30. Abdoullah ad-Dahlawi,
  31. Khalid al-Baghdadi,
  32. Ismail Mouhammad ash-Shirwani,
  33. Khas Mouhammad Shirwani,
  34. Mouhammad Effendi al-Yaraghi,
  35. Jamalouddin al-Ghoumouqi al-Houseyni,
  36. Abou Ahmad as-Soughouri,
  37. Abou Mouhammad al-Madani,
  38. Sharafouddin ad-Daghestani,
  39. Abdoullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani,
  40. Mouhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani,


  L'Ordre Naqshbandi
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Le Soufisme

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Ce qu'il vous reste
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Ceux qui suivent les Commandements et Ceux qui sont marqués par Shaytan
Offrez le Salut d’Allah avec sincérité pour obtenir Sa Satisfaction
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  La chaine d'or des Maitres
Les 40 Maîtres
Premier héritier
L'Imam de la voie
Photo des Cheikhs
Genealogie des Cheikhs
Qualifications du Cheikh
   Les Cheikhs de la Naqshbandi
Cheikh Abdoullah ad-Dahlawi
Shamsouddin Habib Allah
Cheikh Mouhammad az-Zahid
As-Sayyid Nour Mouhammad al-Badawani
Mouhammad Sayfouddin al-Farouqi al-Moujaddidi
Mouhammad al-Massoum
La transmission Ouwéyssi de la connaissance spirituelle
L'attachement au Cheikh, La Rabita
Qualifications d'un Maître Soufi
Cheikh `Abdoullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani
Darwish Mouhammad as-Samarqandi
Khwaja Mahmoud al-Anjir al-Faghnawi
Ali ar-Ramitani
Cheikh Mouhammad Baba as-Samassi
Cheikh as-Sayyid Amir Koulal ibn as-Sayyid Hamza
Mouhammad Baha'ouddin Shah Naqshband
Ala'ouddin al-Boukhari al-Attar
Cheikh Yaqoub al-Charkhi
Oubaydullah Al-Ahrar
Mouhammad Khawaja al-Amkanaki
Mouhammad al-Baqi Bi-L-Lah
Mouhammad Baha'uddin Shah Naqshband
Ahmad al-Farouqi as-Sirhindi
Cheikh Mouhammad Nazim al Haqqani
Cheikh Mouhammad Nazim al Haqqani
The Messenger of God,Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah
Abou Bakr as-Siddiq
Salman al-Farisi
Qassim ibn Mouhammad ibn Abou Bakr
Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq
Tayfour Abou Yazid al-Bistami
Aboul Hassan `Ali ibn Ja`far al-Kharqani
Abou `Ali al-Farmadhi at-Toussi
Abou Ya`qoub Youssouf al-Hamadani
Aboul `Abbas, al-Khidr
Abdoul Khaliq al-Ghoujdawani
Arif ar-Riwakri
Les 11 principes de la voie

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Toute chose devrait etre un Mawlid en l'honneur du Prophète
Shamsouddin Habib Allah
Cheikh Mouhammad az-Zahid
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   Article aléatoire
Un Maitre soufi à Montreal - Cheikh Hisham - Dec 2006
Un Maitre soufi à Montreal - Cheikh Hisham - Dec 2006
centre soufi :: 23 mars 2006







    Alif Music
   Citations  et anecdotes
:: Cat tale ::

One day Hodja bought two kilos of meat and took it home to his wife. Then he returned to work. Immediately, his wife called her relatives and prepared a superb dinner. In the evening, Hodja returned for supper, and his wife offered him nothing but bread and onions. He turned to her and said,
- But why haven't you prepared anything from the meat?
- I rinsed the meat and was going to put it on the stove when this damn cat came up and took it away, she said.
Hodja at once ran to get the scales. Then he found the cat and weighed it. It was exactly two kilos!
Then he turned to his wife and said,
- Look here! If what I have just weighed is the cat, then where's the meat? But if this is the meat, then where's the cat?
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
Dhikr & Awrades
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Notre Mission consiste transmettre les enseignements du Soufisme sur la fraternité de l'Humanité et l'unité de la croyance en Dieu présente dans toutes les religions et voies spirituelles...
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Ordre Soufi Naqshbandi
138 Av Fairmount Ouest Montreal - Canada - Tel.: (514) 270-9437